Quite often, not all parties enter divorce with the financial transparency required. Your spouse may conceal some assets to prevent their division, potentially leaving you with less than you deserve from the marital property. It is a prevalent but often overlooked...
Family Law
What are the leading causes of gray divorce?
For a long time, divorce was a hush-hush topic and a rare occurrence among baby boomers. However, as the world evolves, so has the definition of marriage and the prevalence of divorce, even for members of older generations. Divorce is no longer a taboo among baby...
Does a divorce mean selling a family business?
It is certainly possible to sell the family business during a divorce, and it is a rather common occurrence. After all, if a couple owns the business together, they need to divide assets. The best way to do it may be to sell the business to someone else and then split...
Could the holiday season spell an end to your marriage?
The winter holidays are supposed to be a time to appreciate your blessings and enjoy time with your family. However, all that holiday cheer can backfire on a lot of couples. It’s no real coincidence that the post-holiday season usually involves a spike in new divorce...
How to prepare for your custody hearing
Your Texas child custody hearing might be one of the most important appointments you keep. Because the judge will listen to each parent’s case and then make a decision and issue the custody order, it is very important to make a good first impression, be prepared to...
Three major drawbacks of a 50/50 custody arrangement
Some Texas couples who are preparing to divorce or divorcing have children together. If that's the case, you and your ex-spouse have custody arrangements to consider. A few examples of these arrangements can include sole custody and joint custody. Some divorce experts...
How to make your business divorce-proof
Business owners who get a divorce have a complicated set of problems to face. If you own a business in Texas and are about to tie the knot, here are some things you should consider. Shareholder agreements, operating agreements and partnerships If you choose a sole...
What happens when a pilot gets a DWI?
When Texas motorists are convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can lose their driving privileges and be sent to jail. When pilots get DWIs, they can also be grounded and lose their livelihoods. A drunk driving conviction does not...
How co-parents can best care for a special needs child
Co-parenting is a complex journey that demands of Texas divorced couples cooperation, communication, and compromise. When co-parenting a child with special needs, these challenges can become even more intricate. However, with patience, empathy and a collaborative...
How to coparent with a difficult partner
Ending a relationship with a narcissist may enable you to regain your sense of self and make the most of your life. However, if you share a child with a narcissist, you will likely need to maintain a working relationship with that person until your child reaches...