Many parents in Texas struggle to learn how to co-parent during the divorce process. This major change will impact the daily routine of your entire family. Many adults find that parenting classes help them learn how to communicate with each other and their children so...
Family Law
Your medical practice during a high-asset divorce in Texas
Marriages involving couples with large incomes or significant property values often result in contentious divorces. If you own your own medical practice, your primary consideration may involve whether your former spouse can obtain ownership of your practice as part of...
Do courts favor mothers over fathers?
Divorce in Texas is a topic that is already controversial but also becoming increasingly contentious. Many legal and family experts are concerned about the bias that courts seem to show in favor of mothers. The sheer amount of alimony and custody disputes are decided...
50/50 child custody and tax issues
In Texas, when parents have equal custody of their child, the question arises of who can rightfully claim their child as a dependent on an income tax return. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has spelled out specific rules determining which parent can claim the child...
How is property divided during divorce?
A major aspect of divorce involves the division of property. As Texas is a community property state, marital assets will be divided equally by a Texas judge if the estranged couple do not otherwise agree. However, it is important to determine what category an asset...
Creating a child support agreement without going to court
Texas residents understand how easy it is for divorce to take an ugly turn, resulting in hard feelings and an unwillingness for both parties to work together. However, there are other instances when divorced parents come to agreements about the details of their...
How to blend families with teenagers
According to a study published by the National Parents Organization in 2014, roughly 1/3 of Americans are part of a blended family. While blended families are more prevalent than ever, there are still challenges. This is especially true when one or both parents bring...
How parallel parenting benefits adults and children post-divorce
Each year, divorce is a reality for many married couples in Texas. Sometimes, these adults have children together. However, not all parents find it easy or even possible to get along with each other after a divorce. Fortunately, with a parallel parenting plan,...
Coparenting during and after a divorce
Once you and your partner make the difficult decision to end your marriage, it’s important that you put together a plan that minimizes the impact on your children. Texas parents dealing with a divorce often want to co-parent but struggle to make that a reality....
Approaching divorce with a lot of assets
Divorce in Texas can sometimes be a scary and frustrating process. What can make it even worse is when there is much more on the line than just a relationship. High-asset divorces can have extreme consequences for both parties. How you choose to move through a...