Ending a relationship with a narcissist may enable you to regain your sense of self and make the most of your life. However, if you share a child with a narcissist, you will likely need to maintain a working relationship with that person until your child reaches adulthood.
The child’s best interests trump everything
Your child’s interests are more important than your feelings. Therefore, you should refrain from getting into fights with your partner or from saying anything negative about them in your child’s presence. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that those who are bad spouses or romantic partners may actually be good parents. Therefore, it may not be in anyone’s best interest to keep your child away from your former partner or otherwise violate a child custody order unless there are legitimate safety concerns, which should be brought to the court.
Keep your distance
Staying away from a narcissist may prevent arguments from occurring. For example, you may choose to drop your child off in a public place where your former spouse is less likely to have a tantrum. In fact, it may be possible to have a neutral party complete the transfer from one parent to the other. You can also reduce your overall stress level by opting for electronic communications as opposed to talking directly to your former spouse or partner.
Being able to work with your child’s other parent makes it easier to abide by court-ordered custody agreements. However, if you are struggling to find common ground with your child’s other parent, don’t hesitate to bring your concerns to the court. A judge may decide to alter a child custody agreement or take other action on behalf of your child.