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Photo of attorney William Marcus Wilkerson

Reasonable suspicion must occur prior to a drunk driving stop

On Behalf of | Dec 24, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Police officers can’t stop vehicles without having a reason. They must have reasonable suspicion, which means that they see something that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the vehicle was, is or will be involved in a crime or traffic infraction.

Once the officer sees something that constitutes reasonable suspicion, they can initiate the stop. The goal of the stop must be to determine if there’s anything illegal going on. 

What are the signs of drunk driving that are considered reasonable suspicion?

There are many signs that are considered reasonable suspicion for drunk driving stops. Some of the more common signs that police officers look for include:

  • Swerving between lanes
  • Crossing the center line
  • Stopping without a cause
  • Hitting or almost hitting objects near the road
  • Failing to stop for red lights or stop signs
  • Driving too fast or too slow for conditions

After the driver is pulled over, the officer will speak to the driver to find out what’s going on. They may ask for a chemical test or a field sobriety test. These are used to determine if the driver is impaired. If the officer finds that the driver is impaired, they’ll conduct an arrest. 

Defendants who are facing a drunk driving charge should ensure they’re working on their defense strategy. This may include whether reasonable suspicion led to the stop. Having someone on their side who’s familiar with these charges may help them to learn their options and plan accordingly.