Divorce is emotional and challenging, especially when spouses cannot agree on critical issues like child custody or property division.
Texas offers the option of no-fault divorce, but disagreements can still arise, complicating the process and leading to a contested divorce. Here are some of the most common causes of contested divorce proceedings.
Spousal infidelity
Adultery is a leading cause of divorce, and it typically creates additional contention during the proceedings. When one spouse is unfaithful, the betrayed spouse may seek a larger share of marital assets or more favorable custody arrangements.
Financial disputes
Disagreements about money and assets are another cause of contested divorces. These disputes can arise due to hidden assets, spousal support disputes and disagreements over marital property. When a spouse feels mistreated, it sometimes escalates conflict.
Child custody arguments
Child-related issues contribute substantially to divorce conflict and can be a nightmare for parents. They both want what is best for the child but may also fear losing access. Custody disagreements can turn a relatively amicable divorce into a contested matter.
Domestic violence
Abuse and violence are top reasons for contested divorces. Victims may seek protection and a fair settlement through the court. Still, the safety and well-being of the victim and any children involved must be prioritized, potentially complicating the divorce.
Prenuptial agreement issues
Problems with a prenuptial agreement can introduce conflict and lead to contested proceedings. For instance, a spouse may challenge its enforceability if they believe it contains unfair provisions or that they signed it without full financial disclosure.
Regardless of why the need for a contested divorce may arise, it’s crucial to have experienced legal guidance. This can help you protect your interests.