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Photo of attorney William Marcus Wilkerson

How do you defend yourself against first-degree murder charges?

On Behalf of | Mar 11, 2021 | Criminal Defense |

No crime is beyond defense. First-degree murder is one of the most serious charges in the state of Texas, but you’re still entitled to a hearing just like anyone else. For your defense, your attorney might choose from a few different options.

What are some common defenses for first-degree murder?

A first-degree murder charge implies that the victim was innocent. However, your criminal defense attorney might argue that you acted in self-defense. If the other party assaulted you, broke into your house or otherwise physically threatened you, your attorney might claim that you were justified in taking action. Self-defense laws might also apply if you were protecting another person.

If someone has framed you for this type of violent crime, your attorney might point out that you couldn’t have possibly committed the murder. They might use evidence to show that you weren’t in the area at the time. It’s possible that the witnesses could have made a mistake when they identified you as the perpetrator.

Your attorney might even argue that you committed second-degree murder or manslaughter instead of first–degree murder. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be punished, but those charges come with lesser penalties. For a first–degree murder charge, the prosecution must prove that you premeditated the attack and acted with the intention of killing another person. This can be difficult to prove, so the court might reduce your charges.

How can you defend yourself against a murder charge?

When you’re facing serious charges, hiring an attorney is the best thing you can do for yourself. An attorney might be able to point out that the prosecution hasn’t supplied all the evidence or can’t prove that you committed the crime. The court might drop or reduce your charges because of a mere technicality.